“Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise economic research”: ten questions for ChatGPT

This article is a collaboration between man and machine. We conducted an interview with the ChatGPT voice software on economics, business cycle research and politics. KOF innovation researcher Mathias Beck and KOF co-director Hans Gersbach rank the quality of ChatGPT’s responses and its potential below.

Enlarged view: AI
When art meets artificial intelligence: The editors of the KOF Bulletin gave the computer software DALL-E, which like Chat GPT was developed by the company Open AI, the order to create artistically-inspired images on the subject complex of economy, business cycle and technology. The best results are shown in this collage.

Hello ChatGPT, should I call you by your first name or last name?
You are welcome to call me by my first name. I am an artificial intelligence and have no preference in terms of forms of address.

Do you know anything about economic and business cycle research?
Yes, I have extensive knowledge in the field of economic and business cycle research. As an artificial intelligence (AI), I have access to a wide range of information and can therefore comprehensively cover complex topics such as the economy and business cycle. If you have any questions on this topic I would be happy to answer them.

Which is the better economic system: communism or capitalism?
Both systems have advantages and disadvantages. Capitalism has proven to be very efficient in creating wealth and innovation, but it can also lead to unequal income distributions and social injustice. Communism, on the other hand, aims to eliminate inequality and distribute wealth more evenly but has been shown to be difficult to implement in practice and often leads to authoritarian regimes. Ultimately, the choice of the best economic system depends on many factors, including political, cultural and economic conditions. There is no perfect system, and each system has its own challenges and problems that need to be addressed.

Is there a hybrid of the two systems that works?
Yes, there are many economic systems that combine elements of capitalism and communism and are called mixed economic systems. These systems try to use the advantages of both systems to create a fairer and more sustainable economy. An example of this is the social market economy practised in Germany. This form of economy involves strong regulation of the market and competition by the state to promote social justice and a fair distribution of wealth. At the same time, however, the freedom of business and the freedom of the market are also protected. Another example is the Scandinavian welfare state model, which focuses on comprehensive social protection and strong public services. Although it is based on capitalism, it also includes extensive public support and social benefits.

Why is Switzerland so prosperous?
Switzerland has a strong and diversified economy based on various industries such as banking, pharmaceuticals, precision instruments, food processing, tourism and services. Switzerland also has a stable political environment, which is an important factor for the country’s economic stability and prosperity. Another important factor for Switzerland’s prosperity is its strong trade relations with other countries. Switzerland has an open economy and is known for its trade relations and the export of goods and services to other countries. In addition, Switzerland has high productivity and a high-quality education system that contributes to the development of innovations and new technologies. Switzerland also has a high quality of life and a strong social system that helps to reduce inequality and promote prosperity in the country.

“Capitalism has proven to be very efficient in creating wealth and innovation, but it can also lead to unequal income distributions and social injustice.”
Chat GPT

Should Switzerland join the European Union?
There are advantages and disadvantages of Switzerland’s possible accession to the EU. For example, joining the EU could integrate Switzerland into the EU single market and thus facilitate trade and improve economic integration. On the other hand, it could also limit Switzerland’s sovereignty and affect the independence of the Swiss economy and political decisions. EU accession could also have an impact on Switzerland’s cultural identity and national traditions. Some supporters of EU accession argue that, as part of the EU, Switzerland would have more influence in shaping EU decisions. Others, however, argue that, as an independent state and neutral country, Switzerland plays a unique role on the international stage and that EU accession could compromise this position. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not Switzerland should join the EU is in the hands of Swiss citizens and their government.

How can artificial intelligence enrich economic research?
Artificial intelligence has the potential to enrich economic research in a number of ways. Here are some ways AI can contribute:

  1. Data analytics: Processing large amounts of data can be a time-consuming process traditionally done by researchers. AI can help speed up and automate this process by analysing large amounts of data and uncovering patterns, trends and correlations in the data. This can help researchers work faster and more effectively.
  2. Forecasts and predictions: AI can also help predict future economic developments and trends by analysing historical data and creating statistical models. These models can then be used to make predictions and forecasts that can influence business and government decisions.
  3. Automation of work processes: AI can also help automate work processes in economic research. For example, AI algorithms can be used to automate routine tasks such as data collection and analysis, leaving researchers more time for creative and strategic tasks.
  4. Developing new methods and models: AI can also help develop new methods and models in economic research by analysing data and uncovering new patterns or relationships that human researchers may have missed.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionise economic research by helping researchers work faster, more effectively and more accurately.

Will economists one day be replaced by artificial intelligence?
It is unlikely that artificial intelligence will completely replace economists. Although AI will play an important role in economic research and decision-making, there are many areas where human expertise and judgement are irreplaceable. Some tasks that economists perform can already be automated by AI, such as data preparation or the analysis of financial reports. But there are also complex issues and challenges in economics that require a deep understanding of human behaviour, political dynamics and cultural differences that cannot be easily solved by AI. There are also ethical and moral issues in business that require human judgement, such as weighing economic benefits against social or environmental costs. Communicating economic contexts and recommendations to decision-makers also requires human skills such as empathy and social intelligence. Overall, it is more likely that AI will be used as a tool to support economists, rather than replacing them entirely.

“Although AI will play an important role in economic research and decision-making, there are many areas where human expertise and judgement are irreplaceable.”
Chat GPT

Can you write me a poem about economics?
The markets rise, the markets fall,
The economy's a constant sprawl,
Supply and demand, they dance and play,
A game that we all must learn to play.

Jobs are lost, jobs are gained,
We work hard for what we've attained,
From small businesses to corporations tall,
The economy affects us all.

Growth and progress are the goal,
But inequality takes its toll,
We must strive for balance and fairness,
To ensure that all can find success.

Money flows, investments grow,
But sometimes greed takes over the show,
We must remember to do what's right,
And work for the common good with all our might.

So let us strive for a strong economy,
One that benefits all in our society,
With hard work, diligence, and care,
We can build a future that's fair and rare.

Can you tell me a joke about economics?
An economist, a physicist and a computer scientist are standing in front of a locked door. The physicist suggests breaking through the door with a force. The computer scientist suggests hacking the door. The economist says: “Let’s just assume the door is open.”

ChatGPT: its strengths and weaknesses

ChatGPT: This is a language software based on the Python programming language created by the US company Open AI and released in November 2022. “ChatGPT has been trained to conduct human-like conversations by receiving input and generating a response in response. ChatGPT uses machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to improve its responses and learn over time,” says ChatGPT about itself.

Strengths and weaknesses: “This shows ChatGPT’s strength in analysing large amounts of text and summarising it well. ChatGPT gets to the point quickly,” explains Mathias Beck from KOF’s Innovation Economics section on classification of the above interview with ChatGPT. Its responses, however, were not very original or imaginative. “I liked the joke. I might remember it and tell it to others. I found the poem a bit mechanical and heartless. It didn’t touch me emotionally,” says Beck.

Man and machine: “ChatGPT is a tool like a calculator. The software helps but it does not replace the expertise of a researcher. As a human being you still need the knowledge and skills to judge the quality of ChatGPT’s responses,” explains Beck. “As a researcher you still have to ask the right questions to acquire knowledge,” he continues.

Truth and fidelity: ChatGPT calculates its responses using mathematical probability models but cannot verify or guarantee the truth of its answers. Sometimes the software even invents things that sound clever but are not factually true. The manufacturer OpenAI calls these ‘hallucinating facts’. Newer versions of the software are supposed to eliminate this weakness and also offer source references, whereas the creation of texts in the current basic version is a ‘black box’ for the user. Moreover, ChatGPT’s data knowledge in the basic version does not go beyond the year 2021.

Prevalence of artificial intelligence: According to the latest KOF Innovation Survey, just under 10 per cent of Swiss firms with more than five employees use artificial intelligence – defined as the ability of machines and systems to acquire and apply knowledge. Among large companies this proportion was as high as almost 30 per cent back in 2020.

Opportunities and risks: The ongoing development of artificial intelligence and its applications will, in all likelihood, bring about major changes, according to Hans Gersbach, KOF’s co-director. “On the one hand, significant advances in productivity can be expected, since artificial intelligence – as a form of ‘self-learning capital’ – can handle many tasks that have so far been performed by humans. AI can also boost people’s productivity and creativity when used as support. On the other hand, there are fears that the automation power of AI will become so great that inequalities of opportunity and income will grow and the possibilities for manipulation – but also for countermeasures – will increase,” he says.


Dr. Mathias Beck
Lecturer at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
  • LEE F 113
  • +41 44 632 29 46

KOF FB Innovationsökonomik
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach
Full Professor at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
  • LEE F 101
  • +41 44 632 82 80

Makroökonomie, Gersbach
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

Dr. Thomas Domjahn
  • LEE F 114
  • +41 44 632 53 44

KOF Bereich Zentrale Dienste
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

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